
Rainbows N' Pastels


Rainbows N' Pastels​

We Love Confident Women.

Rainbows N' Pastels​

So, you (much like myself) change your hair colour almost as often as you change your undies? Or maybe you have an edgy, funky look and style and you want to reflect that somehow in your hair? Whatever your reasons, it doesn’t matter, you will have no judgement from us 
Rainbows make me happy and creative colour is actually one of my ultimate specialties 😊😊😊 
Especially now that working from home is almost the new norm, rainbow hair is happily on the rise! 😊 Even if you don’t work from home, you can still wear a rainbow in your hair, as long as you make the commitment to keep it very very well groomed and shiny, and perhaps be very deliberate and we’ll put together in your makeup and wardrobe so that it all comes together in a professional way 😊 … I love it because like a rainbow in the sky, it instantly puts a smile on any dial