



We Love Confident Women.

HAIR Extensions

What can extensions do for you?
Do you dream of long lush healthy hair? Jealous of those celebrities and stars who have really thick voluminous locks? Then extensions can be the answer!
Wanna be as blonde as possible without ruining your hair? Or maybe you’re a rainbow hair coloured lass after something that isn’t going to fade? Then extensions are for you! 
Let us spoil you and pamper you as you watch the transformation happen before your very eyes!
Keratin extensions from Great Lengths are GUARANTEED (if you follow care instructions) to last, and WILL NOT DAMAGE your hair in ANY way, like some tape hair extensions can. 
Great Lengths keratin bonded extensions are cruelty free and are the ONLY hair extensions brand who know EXACTLY where their hair comes from, and so, are really the only ethically sourced extensions company around! 
I can’t wait to change your life!